One of the more common refactorings done is to change the owner of a part type. A common case is when a new, possibly abstract type is created, and the ownership of a part type needs to be moved up in the inheritance structure, from a sub-type to a parent type. This article describes how to complete the change.
- Meta Modelling - Important Notes and Recommendations
- Familiar with the SystemWeaver meta model building blocks (e.g., Items, Parts and Attributes)
- Assignment of the SW Architect role in the server
- An installation of the SystemWeaver Architect client (swArchitect)
- Sole access to the database
- To get started, log in to the server with the swArchitect client, and go to the Refactorings tab.
- Select Change part type owner in the left-hand menu.
- Select the part type in the Change Owner of part type field using the browse button. The current parent item type will auto-populate in the from box.
- Select the new parent item type in the to box. When you are ready, click Execute to immediately kick off the refactoring.
- You must restart the server to see the change in the swExplorer client.
No items are changed by this method, since it is a pure meta model change.
To revert a change, you can move the ownership back to the original item type.